human life

human life .... what does that mean?

On this homepage you will find suggestions on how a human life can be achieved for all people in a very practical way. It is the ways, beyond all rules and laws, that relate to being truly human. From Mongolia to Brazil, they are celebrated in many parts of the world by people who have the common goal of building a human society in which all people on earth can live happily and contentedly.
From a wide variety of angles, such as:

In what circumstances do we humans live today?

What have we lost and what skills do we humans still have?

How does our brain work and think?

and what are the prerequisites in which human life only begins?

Today there are many disabilities that humans have acquired over time in order to survive. They have become the basis of our life today. To name just a few serious restrictions on human life:

the natural conditions for human life are no longer given:

1. The adequate supply of (healthy) food,

2. with clean water, clean air,

3. with humane living space,

4. With an intact nature that produces healthy food.

5. Social relationships are torn. Healthy communities in which young and old can live together and also shape their cultural life together are major exceptions, and so on...

Industry and administration have taken the helm and now determine our entire lives according to market policy criteria. We humans have adapted to the given circumstances. From community to individual. The “at home feeling” of the community is missing. As an individual, it must always fear competition from other individuals.

Demarcation with all its nuances
Possessiveness and fear of losing it again,
Anger, hatred, jealousy etc.
Ambition to want to (have to) be better than others,
the mindset of having to achieve fame, prestige, power etc.
Egocentricity with all its blossoms,
blind belief in my abilities, in my knowledge, in my perceptions.
Discontent arises within people. How can there be peace on the outside?
As long as we do not change our way of thinking, as long as we do not free ourselves from our companions (self-liability) who determine our life, we live an externally determined, functional life in strife, also with nature.

This homepage is all about real people and the real shape of a permanently stable human society. In the various chapters, the topics addressed here are examined for their truthfulness with the focus on real human life, which will ultimately lead to the construction of a stable human society for all people on earth.

 To live humanly means:

The basic needs, such as healthy food, clean water, clean air and a comfortable home, are available to all people in such quantities that it is not worthwhile to stock up.

It goes without saying that everyone can live in a community in which the physical, mental and social health of the people is taken care of and which takes care of all social and cultural levels.

In the community there is no one who stands higher or who makes rules, who judges or condemns, who forces other people to think or act in certain ways.

All people are the same, the only difference is their name.

All action in the community is based on voluntariness.

Decisions are made jointly by everyone, e.g. with Kensan.

The basis and prerequisite for a human life is the heart, which is able to think of others with compassion and wants to live in friendship with everyone and everything. By its very nature, this heart is laid out in every human being, in some people it is only hidden.

On the following pages you can find out how to push the curtain aside and rediscover your heart. Whoever wants to find will find.

By freedom we want to understand that freedom

in which everyone can do what they want,

without others in their freedom

to hinder or limit.

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You mean that is not possible at all? And what do you think of the following text?


From "Passage zur Mondwelt"           by M. Yamagishi, (1960)


"People think too much - they think too complicated.

When you think about two things at the same time, it becomes difficult.

When thinking about something, one should just separate and disassemble first and simplify the focus of thinking on one thing.

It is important not to mix up your own ideas and those of others.

Especially when thinking about something new, one should not interfere with one's own old ways of thinking, theories and the like. (Do not judge)

If you try something new that you have never eaten before, you should not make judgments about something from the past, not leave the taste that you once tasted on your tongue or judge spicy, sweet, sour, etc. .

When it comes to something completely new, it is important to try it impartially. It's something you don't know until you've tried it. One should simply taste the individual taste without comparing the taste.

When you hear that the whole world becomes a friendly, happy world, in which money and possessions are unnecessary, if there is too complicated thinking, then there are perhaps people who ruthlessly reject it as something that is absolutely impossible. Isn't there some way of thinking being switched on and thinking far too complicated?

Even the sparrows on the roofs or the butterflies dancing over the rape blossoms chirp and dance around freely and happily, without having any money, without drawing any rigid boundaries. You don't seem to have any rights or duties.

Why do you think people who have excellent intelligence and abilities have to fence and tie themselves firmly with rights and duties?

In the friendly, cheerful village, where money is not necessary, food, clothing and housing are all free. There is no compensation or award. You can simply use the food or clothes that are available in this village for free, whatever you need, as much as you want. Whether fish or fruit, you can take them off the counter and eat as much as you like. Beefsteak, chips or fillets are a matter of course, wine can be drunk to your heart's content and the most delicious desserts can be eaten as you please. A suitable house for living in a house in which one would like to live. It is possible to live in any house.

Originally nothing belonged to anyone, everything can be used by whoever. You can use everything for free and freely. That is something we take for granted.

Nobody frowns and speaks of rights and duties with a reproachful look. Nor is anyone treated as a thief or accused of theft. There are neither ordinances that compel people to work, nor are there overseers. You sleep when you want to sleep and you get up when you want to get up. It is the village that corresponds to real human life, where you play happily day in and day out and what you can do, then do it when you want to and soon the whole world will be like that.

We think such a life is better, how do you think it is?

Is there anyone who doesn't like this?

I want to ask each and every one of them.

One should think about it in peace. If there is someone who doesn't like this, I would like to ask them why.

If there are people who want to live this kind of life, I think they should give it a try. "

Are you very surprised when you hear that there are communities and villages in different countries around the world, the largest with over 600 inhabitants, who want to realize such a world step by step? And that for over 50 years!

I will be happy to give you the addresses of these villages.

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